Barbequed aromatic apricots


  • 4 Apricots

  • Thyme Flowers

  • 100ml Skyr or Greek Yoghurt

  • 50g Pistachios

  • A few drops of Olive Oil


Wash the apricots and cut them in half.

Place them on a barbeque grill open, side down towards the fire. Grill for 2 to 5 minutes.

On a plate, using a tablespoon, make a bed of yoghurt.

Grind pistachios in pestle and mortar or use electric blender. Pistachios should be crashed completely until they become soft and flour like powder. Sprinkle them on top of the yoghurt.

Arrange apricots on top. Drizzle just a few drops of olive oil and dress with thyme flowers.

Serve as a side dish or dessert.

Nutrition Facts

Thyme and it's flowers contain the compound called thymol, which, as some research show, has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti inflammatory and even anti-parasitic properties. Thymol greatly benefits your skin health.

Chewing on even small amounts of thyme helps to get rid of bad breath at the end of a meal.

Apricots are rich in Potassium. They are a great source of Vitamins C, A and E and other Antioxidants, this combination is particularly good for your skin and eye health.

Pistachios are one of the most Vitamin B6 rich foods available. They are loaded with other nutrients, for example Phosphorus, Manganese and Potassium.

This dish is, overall, low in calories and fat (especially if you use skyr instead of greek yoghurt) but rich in fibre and proteins. It is a great dessert option for people who are paying attention to their weight.