Cauliflower Steaks


  • 1 Cauliflower Head

  • 2 - 3 tbs Olive Oil

  • 1/2 tsp dried Aleppo Pepper

  • 50g Grated Parmesan (or vegan cheese)

  • Cress to garnish

  • Salt and Pepper


Peel the cauliflower leaves off. Wash the cauliflower head and slice it 1 - 1.5 cm thick.

Line a baking tray with a parchment and arrange the cauliflower steaks.

In a bowl mix olive oil with the seasoning. Using food brash, spread the mixture evenly on steaks.

Roast in 190°C for 20 to 40 minutes (depending on a cauliflower, some require longer cooking time to soften). Check if the cauliflower is soft enough inside but still crunchy.

Remove from the oven. Spread grated parmesan on top. Return to bake for 2 minutes.

Serve with some cress leaves on top as a side dish.

Nutrition Facts

This side dish is great for people who are looking to control or lose some weight and that is because cauliflower is very low in fat and calories yet extremely rich in Micronutrients. It contains, in some amount, almost all of the minerals and vitamins required by humans. It is also very rich in Fibre which aids digestion, helps you feel fuller for longer and feeds your gut bacteria, helping to keep it healthy.

Cauliflower contains Antioxidants such as Glucosinolates and Isothiocyanates which have been observed to have some anti carcinogenic properties.

It is also one of the best plant sources of Choline which helps to prevent accumulation of cholesterol in the liver and supports overall health of the organ. It is also a great supporter of the nervous system and the brain. People on vegan diet are often at risk of Choline deficiency.