Pear and Cocoa Cake


  • 3 Pears

  • 220g Butter

  • 3 tbs Bitter Cocoa

  • 4 tbs Water

  • 3/4 cup Golden Caster Sugar

  • 4 Eggs

  • 1 cup and 2 tbs Self Rising Flour

  • 3 tbs Icing Sugar


Place butter, cocoa, sugar and water in a small pot over a gentle heat. Whisk continuously. Bring to boil and cook for 1 minute. Take the mixture off the heat and leave to cool.

Once the cocoa mixture is at a room temperature, transport it into a large bowl. Add egg yolks and flour and blend using an electric whisk.

Wash and dry the whisk. Beat egg whites until a firm foam is formed. Mix them gently with the cake butter. Use a wooden spoon or the lowest setting on the electric whisk.

Peel, core and thickly slice the pears. Coat them in 1 tbs of icing sugar.

Transfer the cake batter into a baking tray (24 x 30cm), spread evenly. Arrange pear chunks on top.

Bake in 180°C (fan assisted oven) for 40 - 45 minutes.

Once ready dust with remaining icing sugar.

Nutrition Facts

Pears are a rich source of both soluble and insoluble Fibre. Therefore they support digestion and excretion of stool and act as prebiotic feeding gut bacteria. Adding Pears into cakes will help you feel fuller for longer due to more prolonged release of energy.

Pears also provide Vitamin K, Potassium and Copper. Bear in mind that most of Vitamin C present in pears gets destroyed during baking process.